Monday, May 11, 2015

Fitness, nutrition, and body shaping

Jason has made a lot of progress over 20 weeks.  He gets the "most improved" prize for changing his body composition.  He changed his life to include fitness, good nutrition and body shaping through proper strength training at 

Attitude is key, and Jason has the right one: positive, good natured and polite.  Training him is a pleasure because he is on time and focused.  He trains like someone who has been doing it for a long time because in the short while he has been at he pays attention and integrates what he learns at every session. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Replace Fat With Muscle

Mark has been coming to for a year and a half and has not missed a single workout.  He is committed and always on time.  He pays attention and integrates what he learns. As a result his form is improving and his body is showing dramatic results. Mark has replaced probably 20lbs of fat with muscle.  

Call me to schedule a visit to our gym to see what we do here.  It's a semi-private, clean and friendly place.  Small groups of 3-4 sometimes workout here.  So if your friends want to workout together, call me and let's talk about it. 

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