Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pain and No Gain

Knowing when to stop

Don't train through sharp pain (like electric shocks).  As soon as you feel it, stop, you're done for the day.  Or keep going and it might set you back for months.  

Burning sensations, however, from challenging your muscles to grow doesn't feel like a shock, more like heat, and we strive to stay with that and work through.  Keep going and it pays off.  

Call me for a tour of SonomaXFitness!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Best Arm Workout

Big props to my man Doug at Sonoma X Gym. just had the most effective arm workout I have ever had. Forearms are blown out to say the least thanks Doug!

Billy Briscoe had an amazing arm workout today with old school exercises - free weights, 30 minutes, heavy, focused and mindful.  No swinging out of control - just careful and productive movements.  

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